March 14, 2023
Spencer Tilger |
(New York, NY) – Today, the International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) publicly released a report highlighting the unmet needs of displaced populations in key regions of the globe with a focus on the critical efforts of refugee-led initiatives (RLIs) to address these gaps.
In 2022, IRAP undertook an assessment project to identify trends and better understand the unmet needs and protection gaps of displaced people in three key regions: Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and South and Southeast Asia. This report synthesizes insights and recommendations from interviews with over 100 organizations in 22 countries and highlights key opportunities for philanthropic engagement and international cooperation.
Refugee-led organizations and initiatives are often on the frontlines addressing the unmet needs of displaced people. Yet globally, local organizations receive less than two percent of international humanitarian funds annually, and refugee-led groups likely receive even less. IRAP’s report seeks to highlight the innovative and trailblazing work of RLIs and share learnings from its assessment.
- Read the full report: Spotlight on Local and Refugee-Led Efforts to Address Key Protection Needs
As a result of the report’s findings, IRAP is announcing a series of new partnerships funded through its Audacious Project. Through these partnerships, IRAP and refugee-led initiatives will share expertise and develop legal resources and other tools for displaced people in key regions around the world.
IRAP Executive Director Becca Heller said: “Refugee-led initiatives are at the heart of the global movement for migrant justice, but are often sidelined in philanthropic and international circles. With these new partnerships, IRAP looks to forge a new path forward that uplifts the leadership and expertise of refugees through collaboration and funding.”
Apoyo a Migrantes Venezolanos | Mexico City, Mexico
Apoyo a Migrantes Venezolanos was born from the need in the Venezuelan migrant community to have an organization that understands the reality of life in Venezuela and helps them defend their rights as migrants in Mexico. The organization provides orientation and assistance services of a legal, humanitarian and integration nature; free of charge and not for profit; aimed at migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in Mexico from Venezuela and any other nationalities who require it.
Refugees and Asylum Seekers Information Centre (RAIC) Indonesia | Jakarta, Indonesia
RAIC Indonesia is a refugee-led, community connected, not-for-profit organization founded in Indonesia in 2017. RAIC eases the burden for those fleeing persecution by responding to immediate humanitarian needs, providing specialized assistance and opportunities, and collaborating with refugee communities to identify and access long-term solutions.
Refugee-Led Organization Network of Kenya (RELON-Kenya) | Nairobi, Kenya
RELON-Kenya is the registered national network of refugee-led organizations (RLOs) in Kenya that advocates for the inclusion and meaningful participation of RLOs and refugees in decision-making tables and policymaking processes on matters affecting their day-to-day lives and “speak in one voice” when advocating for refugee rights and interests.
Youth Voices Community (YVC) | Nairobi, Kenya
YVC is a refugee-led organization that aims to build awareness of refugee youths’ experiences while also developing their self-reliance. YVC is geared towards responding to a variety of refugee needs at community level including but not limited to education, justice, and advocacy needs.
The International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) develops and enforces a set of legal and human rights for refugees and displaced persons. Mobilizing direct legal aid, litigation, and systemic advocacy, IRAP serves the world’s most persecuted individuals and empowers the next generation of human rights leaders.