News & Resources

IRAP’s Climate Displacement Questionnaire: A Tool to Better Understand the Lived Experiences of People Displaced by Environmental Disasters

As climate change continues to reshape global migration and displacement patterns, understanding the lived experiences of those environmental disasters forced to move is critical to advancing fair, inclusive, and climate-responsive immigration policies. This questionnaire is a primary tool used by IRAP and its partners to gather data about climate displacement and generate reports like, “Enduring Change: A Data Review of Firsthand Accounts of Climate Mobility Impacts,” which explores the ways in which climate change impacts individuals seeking immigration relief in the United States.

The questionnaire is now being shared as a public resource for advocates, legal practitioners, and policymakers seeking to better understand climate displacement. You can find copies of the questionnaire in English, Spanish, and Kreyol below. Organizations, practitioners, or advocates can adapt the questionnaire for use in their own intake processes or research. Your use of this resource contributes to the broader movement for climate justice and the protection of climate-displaced individuals. This questionnaire can be used in order to:

  • Support Legal Work: By guiding practitioners through key questions related to climate displacement, this tool helps to uncover the connections between climate impacts and immigration cases;
  • Inform Policy Discussions: The questions reflect critical areas of inquiry that can shape policy discussions about how to respond to climate-induced displacement; and,
  • Enable Advocacy and Community Organizing Efforts: Advocates and organizers can use this tool to engage with affected communities and gather information that strengthens efforts to push for legal and policy reforms.

This sample questionnaire is meant to be an informational resource.. If you use this resource in your work, please credit IRAP by citing this web page. Please also consider joining our climate displacement data project. For more information please contact

You can view and download IRAP’s Climate Displacement Questionnaire in English here or below.

You can view and download IRAP’s Climate Displacement Questionnaire in Spanish here or below.

You can view and download IRAP’s Climate Displacement Questionnaire in Kreyol here or below.

This resource is intended for a legal practitioner and legal advocacy audience. If you would like more general legal information about refugee resettlement in English, Spanish, and other languages, or to request help from IRAP, please use IRAP’s Legal Information website

If you would like to receive email alerts about IRAP’s legal practitioner resources, please sign up here.

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