Three reports were released recently concerning the current state of Iraqi national security, the conditions of urban Baghdad, and return rates for IDPs and refugees.
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy report titled Responsible Partnership details the deficiencies in Iraqi national security and calls for continued yet reduced U.S. military presence post-December 2011.
Urban Baghdad, a report released through IOM, IAU and the UN Habitat for a Better Urban Future, provides statistics for living conditions in urban Baghdad. The report raises concerns about violence, security issues, travel restrictions and lack of public resources.
UNHCR’s monthly statistical update on return for April 2011 shows a spike in return rates for both IDPs and refugees in that month. The statistics were broken down by country from which the refugees fled and by Iraqi district to which they returned. According to the report, almost 1500 refugees and IDPs returned to Baghdad where, considering the findings in Urban Baghdad, they could face worse conditions than they left behind.