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Nov 17, 2021
In this case, IRAP sought to compel DHS and the State Department to publish an index and descriptions of their major information systems online, so that FOIA requestors can better understand what information agencies have and how to ask for that information.
Oct 6, 2021
IRAP sued the State Department on behalf of Mohammad, an Afghan SIV applicant who requested—but did not receive—State Department protection for his sons trapped in Afghanistan.
Jun 25, 2021
IRAP filed a lawsuit on behalf of an Afghan civil engineer, “John Doe,” who worked in support of the U.S. mission in Afghanistan for many years at great personal risk.
Jun 5, 2020
IRAP filed a lawsuit challenging USCIS’s policy of refusing to search the database it uses for refugee adjudications (called “WRAPS”) and claiming to have no records of refugee case files when responding to FOIA requests. Consistent with this policy, USCIS failed to produce a single document when IRAP requested its client’s refugee case file.